It’s time for a change!
Each year brings new possibilities into our lives. We feel as if we are new and fresh, as ready to be reborn as our calendar.
To honor my own desire to welcome in this fresh new vibration, I am once again offering my weekly radio podcast, Maggie’s Spiritual Connections. This is the third incarnation, and it is my intent to focus on welcoming in a new year of possibilities.
The Master Teachers and I are ready to embrace 2018 as a year for honoring our spiritual connections and you are invited to join us.
Move forward with confidence for your future.
Maggie’s Spiritual Connection’s has been on a hiatus for two years. During those two years I explored new venues for my radio show, but I realized my shows are more podcast. No commercials, space to give the Master Teachers time to come through and answer your questions. I realized the time had come to restart this one. The Master Teachers and I are making a commitment to share wisdom from the Akasha to help you empower your life.
Welcome Spiritual Teachers Jesus, and Gaia – Mother Earth
At the beginning of this podcast, Jesus shared a message and set the tone. Gaia – Mother Earth ended the podcast with a short message. Inbetween the questions addressed; Fear – Release and let go, Partnerships – Building loving partnerships, Spritual Healing – You are in control.
You will find this podcast very inspirational and uplifting.
Here are some times to check out if you busy and looking for a special message.
7 mins – Jesus and his message
17.40 – Question on Fear
25.10 – Question on relationships
34.16 – Spiritual Healing
49 mins – Gaia and her message
Thank you to everyone who listens and supports our work. Blessings!