Embrace the Shadow to heal

Accept the shadow When you learn to embrace and accept the shadow, yet not be controlled by it, you are ready to become a light being. Not a lightworker as is within the human archetypal pattern, but a light being. A light being brings light to all areas in need Continue Reading

What is a Human Light Being?

Changing and shifting with the times  This season of eclipses and turmoil around the world has pushed me to rethink, rescript, rebirth my soul’s passion to work helping light beings heal. I know it sounds odd, I want to help light beings. Since I started working with Source in one Continue Reading

Baptized by Fire!

I recently experienced a baptism by fire! As I prepared to become a channel of light, and welcome Dr. Martin Luther King to my weekly podcast to share an inspirational message on a day we honor him, my hearing turned off. I lost my ability to hear 5 mins before the podcast Continue Reading