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One of my favorite poems is Invictus, by William Ernest Henley. My grandmother would read this to me when I was small until I learned how to read for myself. 

I love the words, the images that swirl in my head when I focus on them.  

Later as I would read it out loud I would connect to all types of emotions. I was longing to connect to source and my soul. This spoke to me and still does. 

I always place an emphasis on the last two lines, I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul.

I have included the full poem here.

Invictus by William Ernest Henley 

I Welcome a New Year

As I welcome in another year on Earth, I am reminded of this amazing poem and the power of words. I feel my commitment is intensified as I write down my goals and desires.

Here are my desired goals for 2019 written down. 

I desire to allow all the words I have written in partnership with Source to be easy to access by other souls longing to heal their connection to source and master their soul language. 

I desire to lighten my journey and welcome my Council of Light to show me new ways to release that which no longer serves me and is not in alignment with my highest and best. 

I will be working with my Council of Light to implement these desires each day. 

Join in the journey

I welcome you to join me on this journey of light and healing. Of learning how to become the captain of your soul. Become a member today. Membership is free.

I know we are connected through the akashic vibration of Source. Together we are centering this sacred vibration within our shared earthly vibration so it is easier access for all. 

Blessings of love and light, 


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