In my free workbook, Get Grounded: 5 Steps to Manifest Your Dreams and Purpose Now! I share the 5 important steps I use each and every morning to get me up and going within my day. These steps are simple, free and easy to do. All of them can be expanded upon or individualized to help you create a daily ritual to get you going each day.
I firmly believe the most important step is #1. Drink water before you do anything else. There are many scientific studies to support the best thing you can do for your body is learn to drink 16 oz of water within the first hour of waking up. Studies show the very best time is within the first 15 mins. You body needs water and while you have been sleeping you have not given it any liquids.
There is a general thought that the liquids you drink do not need to be water they just need to be caffeine free. I thought that also but I noticed a very marked increase in my clarity of focus when I started to follow this step every day. Try it for yourself and see if you notice a difference.
You can learn more about the benefits to drinking water and my other 4 steps by going to my website and downloading my free workbook and companion audio: “Connecting to your Soul’s Light”. It is 9 mins long. You can always substitute that step with anything you do now to connect to your Source or the Light of Your Soul, such as meditation or prayer.