Dear Being of Light, do you know you are a Lightworker?
A Lightworker is a human who has chosen to activate the power within to connect to source and share their best with the world each day. I hope you have chosen to be a lightworker in this moment of critical crisis for Earth.
The time has come to help our Mother Earth and use all our spiritual gifts to enlighten and lighten the world. it isn’t hard. Anyone can do it. But it does require you to step up, stand up, and bring your A game into your life today. Every day.
It does require you to admit you are a part of the fabric of time. A part of the primordial ooze we all come from. The vibrational essence of the Universe, the Akasha, Source, God.
It’s time to stop pretending we only understand through the power of the word. The power of the written or spoken word. There are many other ways we digest information and it is time to acknowledge this truth and teach ourselves how to create in partnership with Source.
Lightworker for Source Certification
The Masters and I, have created a course to help you ignite your Lightworker senses, and acknowledge your Lightworker skills.
Mankind has taken a radical shift in understanding what life is. This shift will not go away. What you have acknowledged consciously, will no longer go quietly dorment again, if it ever did. It is time to turn up your sizzle and show your sacred self to the world.
Come be a part of the expansion of consciousness. Learn from the Master Teachers to dialogue with your soul, and create a partnership with the Akasha, God, Source.
Our Lightworker for Source certification course will teach you:
- How to consciously connect to the vibration of Source, your Soul and Council of Light
- Expand your intimate connection to Source, God
- Enter your Temple of Light and use spiritual tools to heal on a quantum level
- Allow divine well being to flow within all aspects of your life
- Gain confidence as you dialogue with your Council of Light
- Learn methods to bring clarity to your mind
- Build skills to vanquish your inner fears
- Gain insight, receive information and answers to your questions
- Recognize your soul’s journey and be prepared to direct the outcome with clarity and purpose.
Come join us.
Be prepared to shift your life, your health, your world into the image of your heart’s true intent.
If you are sick, tired, or just plain feed up with life as you know it, this is your chance to make significant progress in healing your existing limited beliefs and create new empowering habits now.
Enroll Today! Get Started Now!
Learn more about the Master Teachers
Blessings of light and love,