How the doorway opened for me!
After surviving a life threatening illness at a young age, I turned to alternative medicine and healing to find a deeper power within myself. I took that time in my life, when I nearly died, and turned my health around using alternative methods of healing.
I listened to the Master Teachers as they shared wisdom and healing techniques that helped me heal my mind, body, and connection to my source vibration, my soul.
Channeling wisdom and light
When my mind started to heal, I prayed for a process to connect to this healing wisdom and share it with others. I was shown I was a natural channel and I should just do it!
So, because I did remember being in contact with these wisdom beings since my earliest memories, I did! I jumped in and started to channel on the radio. Those sessions, which you can find here, led to my first book of channeled messages.
Our first book “Open the Doorway to Your Soul” provides readers with tools and resources to create their own connection to the soul. Communicate with their divine team of advisors. Embrace the love and support the Akashic Master Teachers pour into every session. It is a book of channeled messages and vibrational healings, but also shares my journey rediscovering the joy of embracing my natural ability to be a trance channel.
Open the doorway to your soul!
These messages have been shared to help expand your conscious understanding and connection to the source of your true being: your soul.
The Master Teachers share:
- An introduction to the Akashic Vibration, the vibration of your Soul
- Guided meditations to connect you to the Light of Your Soul
- Vibrational healing sessions to help you unlock the doorway and enter into a conscious partnership with your Council of Light
- Techniques to establish your energetic boundaries and keep your energy cleansed from the influence of others
- How to understand who you are as a Soul being and why you chose to incarnate and participate in the ascension of the planet
Come and join the Master Teachers as they share their sacred wisdom.
Experience vibrational healing sessions. Learn how to flow within the river of well-being. Open the Doorway to Your Soul and become a conscious partner in creating your life and the world you live in with love. Wake up and joyfully look forward to what you will create next.
We need to put down our differences and embrace our similarities. Your actions, thoughts and behaviors do have an effect on everyone else just as their thoughts, actions and behaviors have an effect on you.
Options to work with and learn from the Akashic Master Teachers
The book is ready. Our classes are ready. Are you ready? If you are learn more or purchase the book here .
Learn about the spiritual course we developed together the Akashic Vibration Process here.
Learn more about all our courses here.
Schedule a private session with me now!
I thank you very much. I want to know how to open or talk. To my inner soul? Don’t show my name please just right A-M