I love the spirit of spring. I enjoy seeing the earth come back to life after being buried in snow and ice.
I feel happy and young when I go out into the sunshine, expand my arms outward as far as I can, and welcome the morning sun into my day just as I did long ago.
In my morning welcome to the sun, I also say hello to the animals in my yard and around the neighborhood. I breathe in the air and take a moment to give thanks for another day. Yes, I love spring and I welcome the changes it brings into my life and the lives of those I love.
It’s important to me to change my morning meditations and routines as the earth and her seasons change.
I didn’t always pay as much attention to the seasonal shifts of vibration other than to ensure I had the right clothing on so I was warm or cool depending on the weather. I live in an area of earth with multiple seasons, sometimes a couple in one day.
Today I understand vibrational changes come with the seasons and I honor the need to prepare my mind and body to accommodate the new vibrations. Staying motivated and on track with my goals for health are easier if the sun is shining but I also want to balance out my writing and other work commitments.
During the course of my life, I created many useful methods to help me envision, create, and maintain divine health and wellbeing. I paid attention to the signs my soul shared pointing me to a choice or decision that was crucial to my overall state of wellbeing.
My spiritual teachers, the masters have always encouraged me to expand my thoughts outward and continue to learn, grow and change. I am so grateful I learned how to pay attention in a way that allowed me to document their most important instructions so I could see my progress and know my connection is clear.
The masters and I want to help you continue to grow and expand in your ability to communicate in the language of your soul. These methods, tools, processes are now available to help you. They have been created to help you expand your ability to connect, communicate, and create with Source and your sacred soul wisdom.
We invite you to join us today and become a part of our sacred tribe.
Please know, whether you take a class from me or not, I thank you for your continued desire to grow your conscious expansion. Just by being curious to learn how to share your light, love, and compassion with the world you have helped these classes and methods expand and improve.
You do make a difference. We all do. Thank you again for your help!
Blessings of light and love,