Mediumship & Intuitive Training Coursework
Class schedules starting soon! Tuesday 6:00 – 8:00 pm. Each class $30
Teacher : Maggie Chula, Psychic Channel and Master Teacher of Akashic Wisdom
Location: All About Me Message and Healing Arts, Woodbury MN
Registration required. Call Lorrie at 651-453-1221
Are you interested in learning how to communicate with your angels? Do you want to know more about the afterlife? Have you been missing someone who past away and wish you could talk to them?
Maybe you know you have intuitive skills and want to develop them. You want to share messages from spirit with others.
Or are you very sensitive? You need to know how to be in the world and not be so sensitive to the emotions and actions of others.
Psychic and Intuitive senses are very natural.
Learn how to develop yours in a safe, nurturing group setting. These classes are designed to take you from a novice to helping you create the knowledge, and self confidence to share your gifts with others.
Become a light worker and bring your unique gifts into your present timeline.
There are 3 courses that make up this series of learning. All 3 are divided into 6 weeks of study.
Amp up your Intuition Tuesdays May 17, May 31, June 7, 14, 21, 28
Class #1. You – A Being of Light. Learn about you and your three primary points of consciousness.
Class #2. Your Energy is Showing. Learn about you as an energy being. Your chakras, their colors, how to clear them.
Class #3. Using Divination Tools. Bring your favorite pendulum, crystal, healing stone, or any divination tool you wish. Let’s dive into how to tap in and get a messages.
Class #4. Angels & Angel Cards How to do readings for yourself and others.
Class #5. Healing & You Learn how your thoughts and beliefs are holding you back. Learn how to recognise when you are losing energy. Practice healing methods to make instant corrections in your thoughts.
Class #6. Reading Others We will be practicing on others but in this class I will go through the does and don’ts of reading others in more detail.
Step up your Psychic Senses July 12, 19, 26, Aug 2, 9, 16
Class #1. What are my Psychic Abilities? Learn the definations of psychic abilities. Understand which ones come natural to you. Learn techniques to help you “see” when you are using yours.
Class #2. Let’s get creative. Understanding your part in the spiritual art of receiving messages.
Class #3. Am I imagining this? How to work with your soul language. Your Spirit Guide.
Class #4. Learn how to control your Senses. Some of the best psychics you will meet get drained when they work with Spirit and the Spiritual Realm. Learn how to set boundaries and stay energized.
Class #5. Is this for me? Learn how to share what you receive as a message. Embrace your gifts and know you are always sharing uplifting messages.
Class #6. Who are my Spirit Guides and Guardians? There are many beings who will help you as you grow your abilities and your confidence in the messages you receive. Identify your primary guides and understand your path of service.
Sharing your gifts as a business! Sept 6, 13, 20, 27, Oct 4 & 11
Class #1. Setting-Up: Your first day of Readings. How-To’s: Meditating, Protection, Clearing, using crystals, room set-up, post reading clearing.
Class #2. Practice, Practice, Practice…. How to deliver messages in a kind, loving, healing and positive manner.
Class #3. Release your doubts & your clients doubts Review how to deal with hesitations, tough remarks, knowing this information is coming from Source.
Class #4. Round Robin Reads. One-on-one readings in private rooms. We will move from room to do readings on each other.
Class #5. How will I share my gifts? There are many aspects to being a light worker. Intuitive and Psychic gifts can be shared in many ways. We will explore expos, phone lines, workshops, home parties. Let’s get creative!
Class #6. OMG! I am a professional!! Learn the next steps to what this will bring to you and your life. We will share some does and don’ts to creating a joyful life as a holistic entrepenuer.
Each class is $ 30 payable in advance. Registration is required. Space is limited to provide an intimate, nurturing setting. This will include access to all audios & workbooks, a private Facebook group for the class, and a special surprise at graduation!
To register contact Lorrie at 651-453-1221.
Classes held at All About Me Message and Healing Arts
6949 Valley Creek Road
Woodbury MN 55125