Prayer to enhance your connection to a spark of Divine Light, your Soul.
Mother, Father, God,
Creator of all that is,
We share the knowingness
that we are each sparks of your divine light.
We share and treasure this connection we have with you.
We offer up our hearts,
our minds,
and our intentions,
that we be guided with this loving spark of life
to create from a palate of love and compassion,
from a palate of knowing everything is from the light of God.
We give up our sense of lack.
We give up our sense of fighting.
We surrender to the light
knowing we are your children,
and we will honor the divine
in all of your beloved creations.
Thank you.
* This prayer is part of the book Maggie channeled from the Akashic Master Teachers.
Chapter: Cleansing the Heart Energy
Excerpt From: Maggie Chula. “Open the Doorway to Your Soul.”