Channel Source and Embrace Well-Being
Are you feeling stuck, lonely, confused?
Looking for answers and finding some but still feeling something is missing?
Have you wanted to work with angels but been unable to receive any messages?
Are you wanting to go deeper, farther, faster in your spiritual knowledge of the afterlife and your Soul?
Receive answers and guidance today!
These sessions are designed to help you answer these questions and many more as you heal your soul. Heal your connection to your divine source energy.
Feeling stuck is a sign you need to consult and understand a deeper meaning to the situation. When viewed from the larger perspective of your soul, what are the lessons you are learning? Can you see potential benefits to staying where you are rather then moving ahead towards a goal of your choice?
Bring your feelings and fears. Ask questions and receive guidance and clarity. Be prepared to learn tools to help you expand your ability to channel source vibration. Extend your ability to interpret the messages you receive.
Channeling is used for wisdom, health, energy, communicating with animals and divine beings of light. Sharing in the vibration of source is the key to divine health, abundance, peace, love.
Sharing simple steps to help you develop your sacred channel
Let me introduce you to simple steps designed to help you see how you are growing in your spiritual awareness. Introduce signs to use to help you understand you are already in touch with your intuition. Show you how channeling is using your inner voice to access the sacred wisdom of your soul.
The channeled healing from each session is recorded separately and available to you as a download.
Each session is $20. Sessions are evergreen. Sign up and experience a healing today!
Sessions are being moved to the Akashic Vibration website. Keep checking. They should be there any day now!
Channeled session with Archangel Raphael.
This class shares important steps to follow to prepare for your channeled session. I do recommend you start with automatic writing. The channeled audio for this session is from Archangel Raphael. He helps you break down the barriers to your heart that would keep you from receiving the highest guidance possible. In the healing you also are lead to receive guidance from a plant and an animal that are here to help you heal your connection to Mother Earth.
Channeled session with Mother Mary
The channeled healing for this session was led by Mother Mary. She also introduced Archangel Raphael, Jesus, and St Germain to share their vibration and gifts. She leads you to the vibration of your soul and asks you to pick an Angel of Creativity to help you with channel your gifts. Expand your to consciously work in partnership.
Channeled session with Mother Mary
This class will share simple, easy steps to help you channel your soul wisdom and learn how to dialogue with your angelic council of light.
Mother Mary joined us and channeled a soul healing to help reestablish your connection to the divine and unlock your psychic skills. This soul healing is designed to help you become a clear channel of love and light. This healing is shared on all dimensions of time including past lives, future probabilities
Experience healing today!
Receive healing and feel in alignment with divine health and wellbeing. All healings are channeled through me by high vibrational beings who are in truth, teachers of soul healing and Akashic wisdom.
Learn to recognize your source vibration
By learning how to bring the vibration of your source energy into your life, and allowing yourself to be a sacred channel of wisdom, you will begin to view a larger meaning for your life. Contribute to creating a greater experience to your soul purpose.
Come to this session and learn more. Experience source vibration and receive healing, nurturing, and compassion for your soul. These sessions are for anyone who is ready to get over the past and embrace the magic and potential of tomorrow.
All session content is family friendly. Sharing it with loved ones will help you establish clear boundaries Learn simple ways you can channel source vibration.
New sessions will be offered. Send me an email and help determine what vibrational healing is needed now. The Master Teachers are here and available to help.
Sessions are recorded and available now!
Each session is devoted to sharing information about becoming a natural channel for the source vibration of God. We share information, answer questions and the last 3o mins are a channeled vibrational healing from one of the master teachers.
Experience healing on a vibrational level. Sign up for a class today!