Ignite your passion for life!

Do you need inspiration?  Do you ever wonder what is the meaning of life? Is your life okay, maybe even terrific at times, but still you wonder what is it all for? Have you lost your passion for life? Do you feel somewhere deep inside, you were meant for more? Continue Reading

Is it Time for you to Heal?

Do you feel a desire to make sizzling changes in your life? Are you buzzing with the feeling you are ready to make huge shifts in your life? Are you ready to heal your body, mind or spirit? Ready to start to think and act in a different way but Continue Reading

Simple Tool for Manifesting #3 Your Thoughts Create Your Life

# 3. Your thoughts create your life. Use affirmations to support your thoughts. An affirmation is a statement you make and imprint upon your mind. When done correctly this statement becomes a new way of thinking for your mind. You are sharing what you want to believe about yourself and Continue Reading