Why this book, Open the Doorway to Your Soul?

Healing Your Soul Connection I have been blessed to have a very intimate and sacred connection to the wisdom of my soul. I know this life is only one part of the journey of my soul.  I also know the part my spirit plays in helping me create a life Continue Reading

Start the next healing chapter in your Life now!

Are you ready to heal and get on with life? Have the energies of the Earth and the many changes you are feeling within your life,  your work and your family got you ready to admit you need some help? I believe our ability to tune in and learn how to Continue Reading

Lighten up Your Now

Are you ready to lighten up? I know I am!  I have learned a common theme for me in this life is to “lighten up”. While I know I am a divine being of light and love, I also acknowledg my thoughts can be heavy with past memories and thoughts. I have Continue Reading